RAM Building Maintenance Corp

(646) 817- 8002

Consulting Services from a Trusted Cleaning Company

With high-quality standards as a key objective, RAM Building Maintenance Corp achieves cost reductions through the following methods.

Inspect & Analyze Facilities

In order to effectively and fairly determine a facility's cleaning and maintenance needs, members of the RAM management team will conduct multiple walk-throughs (particularly at night, when the bulk of cleaning and maintenance services are performed) to determine staffing and scheduling needs.

Reduce Staff

RAM's executive team believes that a reduction in staff—without a reduction in quality—is always possible. Ram's comprehensive quality control program will ensure that the standard of services is not compromised. (RAM will propose to reassign members to other projects rather than terminating anyone's employment status.)

Cleaning Couch

Eliminate Sales Tax

Sales tax can be eliminated by transferring the staff from the cleaning company's payroll to the building's payroll, thus removing a taxable service provided by the cleaning company.

Adopt Realty Advisory Board Guidelines

Transferring the cleaning staff to the building's payroll affords management the ability to adopt Realty Advisory Board guidelines, as opposed to the Service Employees Agreement. The Realty Advisory Board guidelines allow much greater management flexibility and eliminate productivity maximums.

Brooklyn Bridge

Maintain Quality Control

RAM's supervisory personnel will frequently be onsite during nightly cleaning and will prepare inspection reports with every visit. All supervisors are experienced. They evaluate and score the results of each inspection.


  • Supervision
  • Quality
  • Continuity
  • Tax Savings